Rental+ Buying Guides: Bottle Coolers

By Phil Scoble

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Numerous businesses incorporate at least one bottle cooler, but the challenge lies in selecting the ideal model for your needs. We present vital inquiries to guide you in acquiring the most suitable equipment for your business.

1: Recognise the limitations of your bottle cooler

Bottle coolers are not engineered to function as highly efficient cooling systems. Most available models fall under Class 4, ensuring cooling only up to 32 degrees Celsius. Consequently, the cooling process for bottles within these coolers is relatively slow.

If rapid cooling is essential, exploring alternative solutions before placing the bottles in the cooler is advisable. While exceptions exist, such as Gamko’s bottle coolers, known for their effective cooling, they are considered a premium brand. Therefore, it is best to carefully evaluate how quickly you can bring your bottles to the desired temperature.

2: Measure your space

Beyond considering where the cooler will be situated in your establishment, assessing how it will be transported there is crucial.

Examine the anticipated delivery route and visualise the bottle cooler’s journey to its final destination. Therefore, we advise comparing its dimensions with the doors and stairwells it must traverse.

Our recommendation

While a bottle cooler is a crucial component in many bars and cafes, often serving as a chiller and sales display, it is essential to acknowledge that these coolers may need to improve in rapidly cooling bottles.

Therefore, it is wise to formulate a plan. Either allocate a budget for a premium cooler or designate a separate area within your business for pre-chilling your bottles.

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